Prof. Dr. Monika Trümper

Institut für Klassische Archäologie
Raum 0.0005
14195 Berlin
Academic Appointments
Professor (W3/Tenured Full) of Classical Archaeology at the Institute of Classical Archaeology, Freie University Berlin
Promotion to Tenured Full Professor of Classical Archaeology, Department of Classics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (effective July 1, 2013)
Offer for Tenured Full (W3) Professor of Classical Archaeology at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (not accepted)
7/2008 – 6/2013
Tenured Associate Professor of Classical Archaeology, Department of Classics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
7/2005 – 6/2008
Assistant Professor of Classical Archaeology, Department of Classics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
2004 – 2005
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Classics, Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore/MD, with a Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
2003 – 2004
Fellow at the Center for Hellenic Studies in Washington, D.C. (Harvard University)
1999 – 2003
Assistant Professor (Wissenschaftliche Assistentin), Department of Classics (Seminar of Classical Archaeology), Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, “Habilitation” (postdoctoral degree) in Classical Archaeology; postdoctoral thesis on The ‘Agora of the Italians’ in Delos. History, Architecture, Decoration, and Function of a Late Hellenistic Porticus-complex
1993 – 1995
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Ph.D. in Classical Archaeology (minors: European Art History and Ancient History); dissertation on Living in Delos. History of the Hellenistic Houses and Socio-cultural Change (director Prof. Dr. P. Zanker)
Studies at Sorbonne Université IV, Paris
1987 – 1993
Universität zu Köln, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, M.A. in Classical Archaeology (minors: European Art History and Ancient History); thesis on Organization and Development of Commercial and Residential Complexes in Delos (director Prof. Dr. P. Zanker)
1985 – 1989
Master’s degree in music (Violin) at the Hochschule für Musik Köln
Fieldwork (selection, since 2012)
Morgantina/Sicily: Geophysical survey, organized together with Sandra Lucore and a team from the University of Cologne
Morgantina/Sicily: Excavation of the South Baths and West Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore, directed together with Sandra K. Lucore
Morgantina/Sicily: Geophysical survey, organized with Stephen Kay, British School at Rome
Since 2015
Pompeii: Investigation and Excavation of the Republican Baths and Stabian Baths, director; cooperation with Mark Robinson, University of Oxford, and Marco Giglio, Università di Napoli L’Orientale
Since 2019
Agrigento/Sicily: Investigation of the Gymnasium, co-director with Thomas Lappi, Freie Universität Berlin
Since 2022
Segesta/Sicily: Investigation of the city wall; co-director with Salvatore de Vincenzo, Università della Tuscia, Viterbo
Fellowships, Grants, Awards
2023 – 2025
Grant from German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft): The Gymnasium of Agrigento: Development, Urban Context, and Socio-Cultural Significance; together with Thomas Lappi
Grant from Ernst-Reuter-Gesellschaft Berlin for excavation in the Gymnasium of Agrigento; together with Thomas Lappi
2020 – 2023
Grant from German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft): Development of Bathing Culture in Pompeii: Stabian Baths
Grant from Einstein-Foundation / Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies for conference on Architecture and the Ancient Economy
2015 – 2018
Grants from EXC 264 Topoi A3 for Water Management in Ancient Cities on Sicily
2014 – 2018
Grants from EXC 264 Topoi C6: Bathing Culture and the Development of Urban Space: Case Study Pompei
Grant from EXC 264 Topoi C6 for conference on Cityscapes of Hellenistic Sicily: a Reassessment
Grant from Fritz Thyssen Foundation for the publication of Thera VI
Grant from EXC 264 Topoi C6 for conference on Cityscaping and Bathing Culture in Central Italy
Grant from EXC 264 Topoi C6 for conference
2015 – 2017
Grant from EXC 264 Topoi A3 for Water Management in Ancient Cities on Sicily
2014 – 2017
Grant from EXC 264 Topoi C6: Bathing Culture and the Development of Urban Space: Case Study Pompei
2014 – 2015
Grant from the Gerda Henkel Stiftung for excavation project in Morgantina/Sicily
Grant from the Loeb Classical Library Foundation for excavation project in Morgantina/Sicily
Grant from the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation for excavation project in Morgantina/Sicily
Grant from the Loeb Classical Library Foundation for excavation project in Morgantina/Sicily
Fellow of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
W. R. Kenan, Jr. Competitive Research Leave, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Grants for conference on Greek Baths and Bathing Culture from Gerda Henkel Foundation and Mrs. Muriel Bell
2008 – 2009
Fellowship from the National Humanities Center
Fellowship from the Institute for the Arts and Humanities (UNC Chapel Hill); declined
Junior Faculty Development Award (UNC Chapel Hill)
Small Grant Program, awarded by the University Research Council (UNC Chapel Hill): Publication Grant
Small Grant Program, awarded by the University Research Council (UNC Chapel Hill): Research Grant
Arts and Humanities Award: Support for Scholarship, Creative Activity or Research in the Humanities and Fine Arts (UNC Chapel Hill)
2006 – 2007
Spray-Randleigh Fellowship (UNC Chapel Hill)
2004 – 2005
Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation; spent as Visiting Assistant Professor at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore; September 1, 2004 – June 30, 2005
2003 – 2004
Fellowship from the Center for Hellenic Studies in Washington, D.C. (Harvard University); September 1, 2003 – May 31, 2004
1995 – 1996
Travel Scholarship from the German Institute of Archaeology, Berlin (awarded competitively to students with dissertations in Classical and Near Eastern archaeology, architecture, ancient history, and prehistory; spent one year traveling the Mediterranean); October 1, 1995 – September 30, 1996
Erasmus Scholarship for studies at Sorbonne IV, Paris; March 1, 1995 – June 30, 1995
1993 – 1995
Ph.D. Scholarship from the Gerda Henkel Foundation (awarded to the top five percent group of German graduate students in the humanities); March 1, 1993 – February 28, 1995
1990 – 1993
Scholarship from the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (German National Scholarship Foundation; awarded to the top one percent group of the entire German student population)
1986 – 1990
Scholarship from the Bischöfliche Studienförderung Cusanuswerk (National Episcopal Catholic Scholarship Foundation, awarded to the top one percent group of the entire German catholic student population)
Professional Service
- Regular Member of the German Archaeological Institut (Ordentliches Mitglied des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts)
- Member of the (Mitglied der) Zentraldirektion des Deutschen Archäologischen Institut since 2019
- Member of the Editorial Advisory Boards for Analysis Archaeologica, BABESCH Suppl., Hesperia, Römische Mitteilungen
- Reviewer of manuscripts and applications for American School Classical Studies at Athens, American Journal of Archaeology, Cambridge University Press, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Hesperia, National Humanities Center, Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut, Österreichischer Wissenschaftsfond, Schweizer Nationalfond, Toronto University Press, Thyssen Foundation, Union der deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften, and others
- Spokesperson for the Freie Universität of the Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies (since 12/2013)
- Student Advisor of the German Acacdemic Scholarship Foundation (Vertrauensdozentin der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, since **2016)
- Member of the Dahlem Humanities Center
- Vice Dean of Research of the Department of History and Cultural Studies (since 10/2023)
Greek and Roman architecture, urbanism, topography, and settlement archaeology (chronological focuses on the Hellenistic and early Roman imperial periods)
- Bathing culture and bathing facilities
- Gymnasia and sports facilities
- Domestic architecture
- Commercial architecture
- Planning and development of ancient cities
- Public squares and spaces (e.g. agorai, fora, portico-complexes)
- Significance of water and water management in sanctuaries
- Cultural exchange and comparative perspectives
- Contextualization and reception of objects and monuments; visualization and reconstruction techniques
- Archaeology of slavery
2) Pompeii
4) Segesta/Sicily
Conferences (organized and co-organized)
- Architecture and the Ancient Economy, September 26-28, 2019, Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies / Oxford University (together with Dominik Maschek)
- Cityscapes of Hellenistic Sicily: A Reassessment, June 15-18, 2017, EXC 264 Topoi C-6-8, Berlin (together with Gianfranco Adornato)
- Luxusresidenzen im östlichen und westlichen Mittelmeerraum im Hellenismus und in der Kaiserzeit, April 22-24, 2017, EXC 264 Topoi C-6-8, Berlin (main organizer Stephan Schmid, co-organizers Ulrike Wulf-Rheidt and Monika Trümper)
- Cityscaping and Bathing Culture in Ancient Italy, June 2-4, 2016, EXC 264 Topoi C-6-8, Berlin (together with Domenico Esposito and Christoph Rummel)
- Development of Gymnasia and Graeco-Roman Cityscapes (4th century BC – 4th century AD), February 4-6, 2016, EXC 264 Topoi C-6-8, Berlin (together with Ulrich Mania)
- Olympia. Workshop on New Research and Approaches, February 26-28, 2015, Berlin (together with Judith Barringer)
- Greek Baths and Bathing Culture: New Discoveries and Approaches, April 16-17, 2010, American Academy in Rome (together with Sandra Lucore)
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Kenan Round Table discussion “The Evidentiary Use of Attic Vases for the Lives of Athenian Women”, April 2006 (together with Sharon James)
- Washington D.C., Center for Hellenic Studies, International conference “The Social Function and Reception of Popular Wisdom and Subliterary Texts in Classical Antiquity”, January 2004 (together with other fellows)
A. Monographs
- M. Trümper, Wohnen in Delos. Eine baugeschichtliche Untersuchung zum Wandel der Wohnkultur in hellenistischer Zeit, Internationale Archäologie 46 (Rahden/Westfalen 1998)
- M. Trümper, Die ‚Agora des Italiens’ in Delos. Baugeschichte, Architektur, Ausstattung und Funktion einer späthellenistischen Porticus-Anlage, Internationale Archäologie 104 (Rahden/Westfalen 2008)
- M. Trümper, Graeco-Roman Slave Markets. Fact or Fiction? (Oxford 2009)
- M. Trümper – Th. Lappi, The House of the Two Skeletons at Morgantina, Palilia 35 (Rome 2022)
B. Edited and Co-Authored Volumes
- S. Lucore – M. Trümper (eds.), Greek Baths and Bathing Culture: New Discoveries and Approaches, BABESCH Suppl. 23 (Leuven 2013)
- U. Mania – M. Trümper (eds.), Development of Gymnasia and Graeco-Roman Cityscapes (Berlin 2018)
- M. Trümper – G. Adornato – Th. Lappi (eds.), Cityscapes of Hellenistic Sicily (Rome 2019)
- D. Maschek – M. Trümper (eds.), Architecture and the Ancient Economy (Rome 2022)
C. Articles in Books and Encyclopedias
- M. Trümper, Malerei, in: T. Hölscher (ed.), Klassische Archäologie, 5th revised ed. (Darmstadt 2002) 277–292
- M. Trümper, Delos, Italikeragora, in: H. Heinen et al. (eds.), Handwörterbuch der antiken Sklaverei, CD-ROM II (Stuttgart (2007) (603 words, 2 figures)
- M. Trümper, Archaeology of Delos, in: M. Gargarin (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome (Oxford 2010) http://www.oxford-greecerome.
- com/entry?entry=t294.e354-s2 (1,867 words)
- M. Trümper, Space and Social Relations in the Greek Oikos of the Classical and Hellenistic Periods, in: B. Rawson (ed.), A Companion to Families in the Greek and Roman Worlds (Oxford 2010) 32–52
- M. Trümper, Hellenistic Latrines (3rd-1st century B.C.), in: G. Jansen – A. Koloski-Ostrow – E. Moormann (eds.), Roman Toilets. Their Archaeology and Cultural History. BABESCH Suppl. 19 (Leuven 2011) 33–42
- M. Trümper, Gender and Space, Public and Private, in: Sh. James – Sh. Dillon (eds.), A Companion to Women in the Ancient Mediterranean (Oxford 2012) 288–303
- M. Trümper, Bathing in the Sanctuaries of Asklepios and Apollo Maleatas at Epidauros, in: A. Avramidou – D. Demetriou (eds.), Approaching the Ancient Artifact. Representation, Narrative, and Function. A Festschrift in Honor of H. Alan Shapiro (Berlin 2014) 211–231
- M. Trümper, Baths and Bathing Culture, Greek, in: C. Smith et al. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, Springer Verlag 2014, s.v. B, 784–799
- M. Trümper, Artificial Grottoes in Delos, in: M. Seifert et al. (ed.), Antike, Kultur, Geschichte: Festschrift für Inge Nielsen (Aachen 2015) 199–228
- M. Trümper, South Baths at Morgantina: Assessment of the Heating System in the Context of Graeco-Roman Public Baths, in: L. Maniscalco (ed.), Morgantina Duemilaquindici. La ricerca archeologica a sessant’anni dall’avvio degli scavi (Palermo 2015) 102–114
- M. Trümper, Brothels and Taverns in Late Hellenistic Delos, in: B. Tsakirgis – A. Glazebrook (eds.), Houses of Ill repute: The Archaeology of Brothels, Houses, and Taverns in the Greek World (Philadelphia 2016) 103–128
- M. Trümper, Gardens in Delos, W. Jashemski (†) – K. Gleason – K. Hartswick – A.-A. Malek (eds.), Gardens of the Roman Empire (2021);
- M. Trümper – D. Esposito, Le Terme Stabiane dopo il terremoto del 62 d.C., in: H. Dessales (ed.), Ricostruire dopo un terremoto. Riparazioni antiche a Pompei (Naples 2022) 221–242
- M. Trümper, Baths and Bathing in Pompeii, in: J. Berry – R. Benefiel (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Pompeii and Environs (Oxford forthcoming 2024; 9,000 words; 7 figures)
- M. Trümper, Domestic Architecture in Late Hellenistic Delos, in: B.A. Ault – A. Sebastiani (eds.), Routledge Handbook of the Archaeology of Classical Houses & Households (London forthcoming 2024; 8,300 words; 6 figures)
D. Articles in Journals
- M. Trümper, Das Sanktuarium des «Établissement des Poseidoniastes de Bérytos» in Delos. Zur Baugeschichte eines griechischen Vereinsheiligtums, Bulletin de correspondance hellénique 126, 2002, 265–330
- M. Trümper, Grobschlächtige Arbeiter oder durchtrainierte Athleten? Zur singulären Darstellung einer Badeszeneauf einer spätarchaischen schwarzfigurigen Lekythos, Archäologischer Anzeiger 2002, 45–64
- M. Trümper, Das Quartier du théâtre in Delos. Planung, Entwicklung und Parzellierung eines ‚gewachsenen’ Stadtviertels hellenistischer Zeit, Athener Mitteilungen 117, 2002, 133–202
- M. Trümper, Ein klassisches Haus in Delos? Zur Chronologie der Maison O in der Insula III des Quartier du théâtre, Bulletin de correspondance hellénique 127, 2003, 139–165
- M. Trümper, The Oldest Original Synagogue Building in the Diaspora: The Delos Synagogue reconsidered, Hesperia 73, 2004, 513–598
- M. Trümper, Die Maison des sceaux in Delos – Ein ‚versiegelter’ Fundkomplex? Untersuchungen zur Aussagekraft und Interpretation der Funde eines durch Brand zerstörten hellenistischen Wohnhauses, Athener Mitteilungen 120, 2005, 317–416
- M. Trümper, Baden im späthellenistischen Delos I: Die öffentliche Badeanlage im Quartier du Théâtre, Bulletin de correspondance hellénique 130, 2006, 143–229
- M. Trümper, Η κατοικία στην υστεροελληνιστική Δήλο, ΑΡΧΑΙΟΛΟΓΙΑ 114, 2010, 16–27
- M. Trümper – C. Brünenberg – J.-A. Dickmann – D. Esposito – A. F. Ferrandes – G. Pardini – A. Pegurri – M. Robinson – Ch. Rummel, Stabian Baths in Pompeii: New Research on the Development of Ancient Bathing Culture, Römische Mitteilungen 125, 2019, 103–159
- S. Kay – M. Trümper – M. Heinzelmann – E. Pomar, Geophysical Survey at Morgantina, Archäologischer Anzeiger 2020, 68–91
- M. Robinson – M. Trümper – C. Brünenberg – J.-A. Dickmann – D. Esposito – A. F. Ferrandes – G. Pardini – A. Pegurri – Ch. Rummel, Stabian Baths in Pompeii: New Research on the Altstadt Defenses, Archäologischer Anzeiger 2020, 83–119
- A. Kose – B. Engels – M. Trümper, Die Basilike Stoa an der Agora von Thera. Rekonstruktion ihrer Entwicklung auf Basis stratigraphischer Grabungen, Archäologischer Anzeiger 2022, 168–235
- M. Trümper – S. Kay – E. Pomar – A. Fino – Th. Lappi – P. Santospagnuolo, New Research at the Gymnasium of Agrigento, Archäologischer Anzeiger 2022, 132–167
- M. Trümper, Late Republican Baths in Italy: Urban Context and Ownership, Römische Mitteilungen 128, 2022, 268–335
- M. Trümper – M. Giglio – M. Robinson – A. Ferrandes – G. Pardini – A. Pegurri, Pompei Terme Stabiane: Campagna di 2021, Rapporto preliminare, Rivista di Studi Pompeiani 33, 2022, 200–207
- A. Kose – B. Engels – M. Trümper, Zur Chronologie des antiken Thera: Sondagen am Apollon Karneios-Heiligtum und in der Straße 11, Archäologischer Anzeiger 2023, 195–237
- M. Trümper – Th. Lappi – A. Fino – C. Blasetti Fantauzzi, The Gymnasium of Agrigento: Report of the First Excavation Campaign in 2022, Thiasos 12, 2023, 275–308
- M. Trümper – M. Giglio – A. Ferrandes – A. Pegurri, Stabian Baths at Pompeii: Preliminary Report of the 2022 Campaign, Rivista di Studi Pompeiani 33, 2023
- M. Trümper – M. Giglio – A. Müller – M. Robinson, Public Saunas in the Stabian Baths – A Privilege of Men, E-Journal degli Scavi di Pompei, 2023
- M. Trümper – D. Esposito – C. Brünenberg – A. Ferrandes – G. Pardini – A. Pegurri – M. Robinson, Republican Baths at Pompeii. New Research on the Development and Function (submitted for review)
E. Articles in Conference Proceedings
- M. Trümper, Material and Social Environment of Greco-Roman Households in the East: The Case of Hellenistic Delos, in: D. L. Balch – C. Osiek (eds.), Early Christian Families in Context. An Interdisciplinary Dialogue (Grand Rapids/MI 2003) 19–43
- M. Trümper, Wohnen und Arbeiten im hellenistischen Handelshafen Delos. Kontexte und Verteilung der tabernae, in: M. Droste – A. Hoffmann (eds.), Wohnformen und Lebenswelten im interkulturellen Vergleich (Frankfurt – New York 2003) 125–159
- M. Trümper, Modest Housing in Late Hellenistic Delos, in: B. Ault – L. Nevett (eds.), Ancient Greek Houses and Households: Chronological, Regional, and Social Diversity. (Philadelphia/PA 2005) 119–139
- M. Trümper, Negotiating Religious and Ethnic Identity: The Case of Clubhouses in Late Hellenistic Delos, in: I. Nielsen (ed.), Zwischen Kult und Gesellschaft. Kosmopolitische Zentren des antiken Mittelmeerraums als Aktionsraum von Kultvereinen und Religionsgemeinschaften, Hephaistos 24 (Augsburg 2007) 113–150
- M. Trümper, Differentiation in the Hellenistic Houses of Delos. The Question of Functional Areas, in: R. Westgate – N. Fisher – J. Whitley (eds.), Building Communities. House, Settlement and Society in the Aegean and Beyond, The Annual of the British School at Athens Suppl. 15 (London 2007) 323–334
- M. Trümper, Complex Public Bath Buildings of the Hellenistic Period. A Case-Study in Regional Differences, in: M.-Fr. Boussac – Th. Fournet – B. Redon (eds.), Le bain collectif en Égypte. Institut français d’archéologie orientale, Études urbaines 7 (Caire 2009) 139–179
- M. Trümper, Bathing Culture in Hellenistic Domestic Architecture, in: S. Ladstätter – V. Scheibelreiter (eds.), Städtisches Wohnen im östlichen Mittelmeer. 4. Jh. v. Chr. – 1. Jh. n. Chr. Akten des Internationalen Kolloquiums vom 24.–27. Oktober 2007 an der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Vienna 2010) 529–572
- M. Trümper, Where the Non-Delians Met in Delos: The Meeting-Places of Foreign Associations and Ethnic Communities in Late Hellenistic Delos, in: O. van Nijf – R. Alston (eds.), Political Culture in the Greek City after the Classical Age, Groningen-Royal Holloway Studies on the Greek City after the Classical Age (Leuven 2011) 49–100
- M. Trümper, Gender Differentiation in Greek Public Baths, in: R. Kreiner – W. Letzner (eds.), SPA. Sanitas per aquam. Proceedings of the International Frontinus-Symposium on the Technical and Cultural History of Ancient Baths, Aachen, March 1–-22, 2009, BABESCH Suppl. 21 (Leuven 2012) 37–45
- M. Trümper, Introduction, in: S. Lucore – M. Trümper (eds.), Greek Baths and Bathing Culture: New Discoveries and Approaches, BABESCH Suppl. 23 (Leuven 2013) 1–9
- M. Trümper, Urban Context of Greek Public Baths, in: S. Lucore – M. Trümper (eds.), Greek Baths and Bathing Culture: New Discoveries and Approaches, BABESCH Suppl. 23 (Leuven 2013) 33–72
- T. Fournet – S. Lucore – B. Redon – M. Trümper, Catalog of Greek Public Baths, in: S. Lucore – M. Trümper (eds.), Greek Baths and Bathing Culture: New Discoveries and Approaches, BABESCH Suppl. 23 (Leuven 2013) 265–333
- M. Trümper, The Honorific Practice of the “Agora of the Italians” in Delos, in: J. Griesbach (ed.), Polis und Porträt. Standbilder als Medien der öffentlichen Repräsentation im hellenistischen Osten, Studien zur antiken Stadt 13 (Wiesbaden 2014) 69–85
- M. Trümper, Privat versus Öffentlich in hellenistischen Bädern, in: A. Matthaei – M. Zimmermann (eds.), Stadtkultur im Hellenismus, Die hellenistische Polis als Lebensform 4 (Mainz 2014) 206–249
- M. Trümper, Sanitary Installations in Hellenistic Houses of Sicily: A Critical Reassessment, in: A. Haug – D. Steuernagel (eds.), Hellenistische Häuser und ihre Funktionen. Internationale Tagung Kiel, 4. bis 6. April 2013 (Bonn 2014) 87–102
- M. Trümper, Modernization and Change of Function of Hellenistic Gymnasia in the Imperial Period: Case-studies Pergamon, Miletus, and Priene, in: P. Scholz – D. Wiegandt (eds.), Das Kaiserzeitliche Gymnasium (Berlin 2015) 167–221
- M. Trümper, Delos as Center of Athenian “Sea Power” – An Archaeological Perspective, in: E. Baltrusch – H. Kopp – C. Wendt (eds.), Seemacht, Seeherrschaft und die Antike, Historia-Einzelschriften 244 (Stuttgart 2016) 231–249
- M. Trümper, Curare se stessi. Bagni e terme a Pompei, in: M. Osanna – C. Rescigno (eds.), Pompei e i Greci (Milano 2017) 262–267
- M. Trümper, Greek Swimming Pools: Case-study Olympia, in: K. Wellbrock (ed.), Cura Aquarum in Greece, Schriften der Deutschen Wasserhistorischen Gesellschaft 27-1, (Siegburg 2017) 215–250
- M. Trümper, Water Management of the Stabian Baths at Pompeii: A Reassessment, in: G. Wiplinger (ed.), Wasserwesen zur Zeit des Frontinus. Bauwerke – Technik – Kultur, Frontinus Symposion Trier Mai 2016 (Leuven 2017) 257–272
- M. Trümper, Swimming Pools and Water Management in the Eastern Mediterranean World of the 4th to 1st Century BC, in: J. Berking (ed.), Water Management in Ancient Civilizations (Berlin 2018) 255–296
- U. Mania – M. Trümper, Development of Gymnasia and Graeco-Roman Cityscapes, in: U. Mania – M. Trümper (eds.), Development of Gymnasia and Graeco-Roman Cityscapes (Berlin 2018) 7–13
- M. Trümper, Gymnasia in Eastern Sicily of the Hellenistic Period. A Reassessment, in: U. Mania – M. Trümper (eds.), Development of Gymnasia and Graeco-Roman Cityscapes (Berlin 2018) 43–73
- M. Trümper, Gymnasium, Palaestra, Campus and Bathing in Late Hellenistic Pompeii: A Reassessment of the Urban Context of the Republican Baths (VIII 5, 36), in: U. Mania – M. Trümper (eds.), Development of Gymnasia and Graeco-Roman Cityscapes (Berlin 2018) 87–113
- R. Henzel – M. Trümper, Crowded or Empty Spaces? The Statuary Decoration of the ‘Palaestrae’ in Pompeii and Herculaneum, in: U. Mania – M. Trümper (eds.), Development of Gymnasia and Graeco-Roman Cityscapes (Berlin 2018) 115–142
- M. Trümper, Morgantina Under Roman Rule. Recent Research in the Contrada Agnese Quarter, in: O. Belvedere – J. Bergemann (eds.), Römisches Sizilien: Stadt und Land zwischen Monumentalisierung und Ökonomie, Krise und Entwicklung (Palermo 2018) 369–386
- M. Trümper, Introduction, in: M. Trümper – G. Adornato – Th. Lappi (eds.), Cityscapes of Hellenistic Sicily (Rome 2019) 7–15
- M. Trümper, Development of Bathing Culture in Hellenistic Sicily, in: M. Trümper – G. Adornato – Th. Lappi (eds.), Cityscapes of Hellenistic Sicily (Rome 2019) 347–391
- M. Trümper, Crisis and Decline in Morgantina Under Roman Rule: A Reassessment, in: S.R. Amicone – E. Perego – R. Scopacasa (eds.), Collapse or Survival? Micro-Dynamics of Crisis, Change and Socio-Political Endurance in the Late Prehistoric and Early Roman Central Mediterranean (Oxford 2019) 97–138
- M. Trümper, Gymnasia in Hellenistic and Roman Sicily – A Critical Reassessment of Typology and Function, in: L. Fuduli – V. Lo Monaco (eds.), Megiste kai ariste nesos. Symposion on the Archaeology of Sicily, University of São Paulo, 3-5 April 2019 (Rome 2020) 47–71
- M. Trümper, Republican Baths to Casa della Calce. A Radical Transformation Process in Pompeii, in: K. Piesker - U. Wulf-Rheidt [†] (eds.), Umgebaut. Umbau-, Umnutzungs- und Umwertungsprozesse in der antiken Architektur, DiskAB 13 (Regensburg 2020) 155–176
- M. Trümper, Logistics of Building Processes: the Stabian Baths in Pompeii, in: C. Recko – M. Heinzelmann (eds.), Quantifying Ancient Building Economy. Part 3.24 of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Cologne/Bonn, May 2018 (Heidelberg 2020) 5–18
- M. Trümper, Water Management of Late Republican Baths, in: S. Bouffier – I. Fumadó Ortega (eds.), L'eau dans tous ses états. Perceptions antiques (Aix-en-Provence 2020) 141–159
- M. Trümper, Water Luxury in the Gymnasium of Agrigento, in: V. Caminneci – M. C. Parello – M. S. Rizzo (eds.), Le forme dell’acqua. Approvvigionamento, raccolta e smaltimento nella città antica, XII Giornate Gregoriane, Agrigento (Bologna 2020) 171–184
- M. Trümper, The Synagogue in Delos Revisited, in: Lutz Doering – Andrew Krause (eds.), Synagogues in the Hellenistic and Roman Period. Archaeological Finds, New Methods, New Theories (Stuttgart 2020) 81–123
- J. Berking – B. Beckers – S. Isselhorst – E. Cancik-Kirschbaum – C. Möller – J. Renn – M. Ronin – A. Schromberg – I. Schrakamp – I. Sürmelihindi – M. Trümper – M. Valleriani – B. Schütt, Material and Cultural Aspects of Water Management, in: D. Knitter – W. Schier – B. Schütt (eds.), Spatial Environment and Conceptual Design. The Concept of Social Ecology as a Means to Integrate Humanities and Science in Landscape Archaeological Research, Berlin Studies of the Ancient World 74 (Berlin 2021) 107–129
- M. Trümper, Delos Beyond East and West. Cultural Choices in Domestic Architecture, in: M. Blömer – S. Riedel – M. J. Versluys – E. Winter (eds.), Common Dwelling Place of all the Gods. Commagene in its Local and Global Hellenistic Context (Stuttgart 2021) 497–539
- M. Trümper, Cult in Clubhouses of Delian Associations, in: A. Cazemier – S. Skaltsa (eds.), Associations and Religion in Context: the Hellenistic and Roman Eastern Mediterranean, Kernos Suppl. 39 (Liège 2022) 93–124
- D. Maschek – M. Trümper, Introduction, in: D. Maschek – M. Trümper (eds.), Architecture and the Ancient Economy (Rome 2022) 7–10
- M. Trümper – C. Brünenberg – D. Esposito – Th. Heide – K. Zielke, The Men’s Tepidarium of the Stabian Baths at Pompeii: Quantification of its Construction and Remodeling Processes, in: D. Maschek – M. Trümper (eds.), Architecture and the Ancient Economy (Rome 2022) 219–256
- C. Brünenberg – Ch. Rummel – M. Trümper, Use and Application of SfM-based Documentation in Excavation and Standing Remains Assessment of the Stabian Baths, Pompeii, in: Proceedings of Conference the European Association of Archaeologists 2019 Bern (forthcoming 2024)
- M. Trümper, Sanitation in Greek Sanctuaries, in: J. Barringer – G. Ekroth - D. Scahill (eds.) Logistics in Greek Sanctuaries (forthcoming 2024; 9,700 words; 10 figures)
- M. Trümper, Gymnasia in Sicily Between the Civil Wars and the Julio-Claudian Period, in: L. Caliò – L. Campagna – E. C. Portale (eds.), La Sicilia fra le guerre civili e l’epoca giulio-claudia, Conference Palermo 19–21 May 2022 (forthcoming 2024; 11,700 words; 13 figures)
- M. Trümper, The Gymnasium in the Hellenistic West, in: A. Kottaridi (ed.), Beyond Macedonia: The Multifaceted Hellenistic Oikoumene Reconsidered, Conference, Aigai 27 May – 2 June 2022 (forthcoming 2024; 10,000 words; 10 figures)
F. Reviews
- P. Ducrey, I. R. Metzger, K. Reber, Le Quartier de la Maison aux mosaïques, Eretria. Fouilles et recherches 8 (Lausanne 1993), Gnomon 69, 1997, 539–545
- U. Wulf, Die hellenistischen und römischen Wohnhäuser von Pergamon unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Anlagen zwischen der Mittel- und der Ostgasse, Altertümer von Pergamon XV. Die Stadtgrabung Teil 3 (Berlin 1999); Gnomon 74, 2002, 46–52
- K. Reber, Die klassischen und hellenistischen Wohnhäuser im Westquartier, Eretria. Ausgrabungen und Forschungen 10 (Lausanne 1998); Gnomon 74, 2002, 627–638
- G. Siebert, L’îlot des bijoux. L’îlot des bronzes. La Maison des sceaux. 1. Topographie et architecture, Exploration Archéologique de Délos XXXVIII (Athens 2001); Topoi 11/2, 2001, 793–808
- H. Brem, Das Peristylhaus 1 von Iaitas: Wand- und Bodendekorationen, Studia Ietina VII (Lausanne 2000); Gnomon 76, 2004, 619–624
- L. Hackworth Petersen, The Freedman in Roman Art and Art History (Cambridge 2006); American Journal of Archaeology 112.4, 2008, online book review (1,394 words)
- G. Mazor – A. Najjar, Nysa-Scythopolis. The Caesareum and the Odeum. Bet She’an I: IAA Reports, No. 33 (Jerusalem 2007); Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 354, 2009, 95–97
- V. Chankowski, Athènes et Délos à l’époque classique. Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d’Athènes et de Rome 331 (Athens 2008); Classical Review 60, 2010, 165–168
- D. Collard, Function and Ethnicity: Bathtubs from Late Bronze Age Cyprus, Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology and Literature 171 (Aström 2008); Gnomon 82, 2010, 182–184
- M. Bentz – C. Reusser (eds.), Etruskisch-italische und römisch-republikanische Häuser, Studien zur antiken Stadt 9 (Wiesbaden 2010); Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft online 2011, 1195–1212
- W. V. Harris, Rome’s Imperial Economy (Oxford 2011); Ancient History Bulletin Online Reviews 2, 2012, 40–41
- J. Morgan, The Classical Greek House (Exeter 2010); Journal of Hellenic Studies 132, 2012, 256–257
- A. Hoffmann – A. Faber, Die Casa del Fauno in Pompeji (VI 12), Teil I: Stratigraphische Befunde der Ausgrabungen in den Jahren 1961 bis 1963 und bauhistorische Analyse. (Wiesbaden 2009); Bonner Jahrbücher 210/211, 2010/2011, 629–633
- J. Böttcher-Ebers, Der Bogen als visuelles Zeichen im römischen Stadtbild: zum Bedeutungswandel eines Architekturelements in der späten Republik (Hamburg 2012); Journal of Roman Studies 103, 2013, 300–301
- A. Ovadiah – Y. Turnheim, Roman Temples, Shrines and Temene in Israel, Supplementi alla rivista di archeologia 30 (Rome 2011); Ancient West & East 13, 2014, 373–375
- A. Anguissola (ed.), Privata Luxuria. Towards an Archaeology of Intimacy: Pompeii and Beyond, Münchener Studien zur Antiken Welt 8 (Munich 2013); Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft online 2014, 1061–1073,,gfa,
017,2014,r,06.pdf - J.-Ch. Moretti – L. Fadin – M. Fincker – V. Picard (eds.), Atlas, Exploration archéologique de Délos XLIII (Athens 2015); Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2016; BMCR 2016.04.29
- A. Haug – D. Steuernagel, Das Haus XV B (Maison 49,19) von Megara Hyblaia. Zur architektonischen und funktionalen Gliederung von Zweihofhäusern im hellenistischen Sizilien, Studien zur antiken Stadt 14 (Wiesbaden 2014); Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft online 2016, 1035–1046,,
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- I. Nielsen, Housing the Chosen. The Architectural Context of Mystery Groups and Religious Associations in the Ancient World (Turnhout 2014); Klio 100, 2018, 529–533