Dr. Marcello Mogetta

Dahlem Research School COFUND Fellow (2014 - 2016)
Managing Director
The Gabii Project
Ph.D. (Classical Art and Archaeology), University of Michigan Dissertation title: The Origins of Concrete in Rome and Pompeii (Chair: Prof. Nicola Terrenato).
M. A. (Classical Archaeology), University of Basilicata at Matera, first class (70/70)
B. A. (Humanities) summa cum laude (110/110 e lode), University of Rome “La Sapienza”
The Gabii Project, Instructor (“Field Practicum in Archaeology”)
Winter 2014
University of Michigan, Department of Classical Studies, LEO Lecturer I (ClArch 426 “Roman Imperial Architecture”)
Winter 2010
University of Michigan, Department of Classical Studies, Graduate Student Instructor (ClArch 223: “Greeks and Barbarians”)
Winter 2009
University of Michigan, Department of Classical Studies, GSI (ClArch 222: “Introduction to Roman Archaeology”)
Fall 2008
University of Michigan, Department of Classical Studies, GSI (ClArch 221: “Introduction to Greek Archaeology”)
Other Appointments
University of Michigan, Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, Post-doctoral Research Fellow
Summer 2008
University of Michigan, Graduate Student Research Assistant, Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
Akhet Ltd, Contract archaeologist: Peschici (Puglia, Bronze Age site), Vastogirardi (Molise, Pre-Roman site); S. Angelo d’Alife (Campania, Medieval site); Grottaferrata (Lazio, Roman site); Ciminna (Sicily, Punic, Greek and Roman site), Palmi (Calabria, Pre-Roman and Roman site), Fiumicino (Rome, Vescovado/Portus Traiani)
Nominated for ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award
University of Michigan, Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship
University of Michigan, Rackham Graduate Student Research Award
Project title: “Geochemistry and the Origins of Roman Concrete” ($3,500)
University of Michigan, Rackham Humanities Research Dissertation Fellowship
University of Michigan, SimonA. Courtade Award
University of Michigan, Rackham International Research Award
Project title: “Roads to Politics: Orthogonal Town Planning and State Formation in Early Roman Italy” ($7,500)
University of Michigan, John G. Pedley Research/Travel Award ($2,000)
University of Michigan, LS&A Regent’s Fellowship
University of Michigan, Center for European Studies Summer Grant ($ 1,500)
University of Rome, ADiSu scholarship
University of Rome, ADiSu scholarship
University of Rome, ADiSu scholarship
Academic reviewing and refereeing
Reviewer of manuscripts submitted for publication: American Journal of Archaeology (1)
Invited Lectures
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, NC, January 2013: “Models of Cultural Diffusion in Roman Italy: The Case of Concrete Architecture.” (Public lecture)
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, NC, January 2013: “Orthogonal Town-Planning in First Millennium BCE Italy: Morphology and Processes.” (Graduate seminar)
Session organizer:
(with I. Cangemi), “Early Latium: A Theoretical and Methodological Laboratory for Excavation, Survey, and Material Culture Analysis.” (Contributors: C. Smith, M. Van Leusen, M. Gnade, T. de Haas, M. Mogetta, I. Cangemi), 11th Roman Archaeology Conference,
Reading, March 28-30, 2014
(with J. A. Becker), “The Archaeology of Middle-Republican Rome and Italy,” (Contributors: T.
J. Cornell, F. H. Massa-Pairault, J. A. Becker, F. Marcattili, M. Johnson, M. Mogetta), 9th Roman Archaeology Conference, Oxford, March 25-28, 2010
(with N. Terrenato, C. Ratté and S. Mankouche), “Architectural Revolutions from the Roman Empire to the Digital Age”: 1. The Transmission of Technical Knowledge (November 2013); 2. The Social Context of Innovation (February 2014); 3. Was Concrete Modern? (with Adrian Forty; April 2014).
Wiki-based Seminars:
The Gabii Webinar Series (Winter 2012; Spring 2013).
Papers given at:
11th Roman Archaeology Conference, Reading, March 28-30, 2014, “The Roots of Roman Urbanism: New Evidence from Archaic and Early Republican Gabii”
Symposium Aspectsof Pompeii and its Afterlife, University of Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia, Pa, 22 February 2014: “The Early Development of Concrete at Rome and Pompeii.”
114th AIA/APA meeting, Seattle, Wa, January 2013: “Deconstructing Late Republican Architecture: the Origins of Roman Concrete.”
Redford Conference in Archaeology: Taking Archaeology Digital, University of Puget Sound, Wa, October 2012 (with R. Opitz, J. Nowlin, Anna Gallone, J.A Becker and N. Terrenato): “Going Big: Data management strategies for the large-scale excavations at Gabii (Italy)”.
XVIII Colloquio AISCOM, Cremona, Italy, March 2012 (with A. Gallone and J.A. Becker: “Gabii in età repubblicana: I rivestimenti pavimentali di alcune unità abitative.”
113th AIA/APA meeting, Philadelphia, Pa, January 2012: “Urban Villages: Comparing Iron Age Settlement Structure in Greece and Italy.”
112th AIA/APA meeting, San Antonio, Tx., January 2011 (with N. Terrenato, J. A. Becker, A. Gallone, and R. Opitz) “The Gabii Project: Excavations 2009-2010”.
9th Roman Archaeology Conference, Oxford (UK), March 25-28, 2010 “Black Gloss Rome:
Petites estampilles, History and Process.”
8th Roman Archaeology Conference, University of Michigan, April 3-5, 2009: “Grid Cities: Latin Planned Urbanism and Roman Colonial Layouts.”
110th AIA/APA meeting, Philadelphia, Pa., January 2009, (with J. A. Becker and N. Terrenato): “A new plan of an ancient Italian city: Gabii revealed.”
Veneree il porto di Pompei: una giornata di studi, Day conference (May 4th 2006), DAI-Rome (with A. Lepone): “Le fasi più antiche del santuario: edifici, riti di fondazione e di abbandono: l’area occidentale.”
Posters presented at:
115th AIA/APA meeting, Chicago, Il., January 2014 “The Gabii Project: 2012 and 2013 Seasons” (with R. Opitz, A. Gallone and N. Terrenato, A. C. Johnston)
MCubed Symposium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 15 November 2013 (accepted) “Architectural Revolutions from the Roman Empire to the Digital Age.”
113th AIA/APA meeting, Philadelphia, Pa., January 2012 “The Gabii Project: 2011 Season” (with
R. Opitz, A. Gallone and N. Terrenato).
111th AIA/APA meeting, Anaheim, Ca., January 2010 “The Gabii Project: Results of the First Season” (with A. Gallone, J. A. Becker and N. Terrenato).
Marcello’s research focuses on the archaeology of Italian urbanism in the first millennium BC.
His PhD dissertation investigated a crucial problem of Roman Republican arrchitecture, the origins of concrete at Rome and Pompeii, challenging long-held views on the chronology of this revolutionary building medium, and examining the social context of its technological innovation. He is particularly interested in exploring the complex relationship between advances in building techniques and the social and cultural history in the period of Rome’s expansion, and, more broadly, the formation of a distinctive Roman architecture.
Marcello’s current projects at the FU are based on primary fieldwork he is conducting at the site of Gabii, a primate Latin center that emerged during the same wave of urbanization that brought neighboring Rome into existence. His work combines architectural and funerary evidence dating to the Early Iron Age through Archaic periods, which is being sampled in a central sector of the city. His analysis hopes to elucidate the formative steps of the city formation, especially the tempo and dynamics of the transition from a settlement form featuring multiple foci to a uniform and continuous urban fabric.
Marcello also has an interest in the Digital Humanities. At Gabii he is actively engaged in a side-project that is exploring new directions in field methodology, with the goal of further defining a methodological kit to produce peer-reviewed online publications of excavation data using 3-D models (Gabii Goes Digital: http://gabiiserver.adsroot.itcs.umich.edu/gabiigoesdigital).
Research projects
The Gabii Project (University of Michigan): Managing Director (since 2012) and Vice-Field Director; Core-sampling supervisor (Summer 2008)
July 2014-pres.
The Regia Digital Analytical Publication Project (with N. Terrenato and P. Brocato)
Pompeii - Temple of Venus Project (University of Basilicata/Birkbeck College, University of London): Area supervisor
Torre di Donoratico Excavations (UNC-Chapel Hill): Area supervisor
Architectural Revolutions from the Roman Empire to the Digital Age (Kelsey Museum of Archaeology)
Ciminna Project (University of Basilicata): Trench supervisor
Taureana di Palmi Project (University of Basilicata): Trench supervisor
Archaeology of the Suburbium of Rome Project (University of Rome): Field survey, supervisor
Excavations on the North Slope of the Palatine (University of Rome): Trench supervisor
Book Chapters:
- M. Mogetta, forthcoming (2015). “Building materials, techniques and elements of construction.” In M. Truemper (ed.), Roman Architecture. De Gruyter Reference Series.
- M. Mogetta, 2014. “From Latin Planned Urbanism to Roman Colonial Layouts: the Town- planning of Gabii and its Cultural Implications.” In E. Robinson (ed.), Papers on Italian Urbanism in the First Millennium B.C. (Journal of Roman Archaeology, Suppl. 97): 145-
174. Portsmouth, R.I.: Journal of Roman Archaeology.
- M. Pagano, A. Ceccarelli, A. D’Andrea, M. Mogetta, D. Monaco, M. Raddi, D. Sepio, D. Wicks, 2005. “La ripresa delle esplorazioni e degli scavi nel santuario italico di Vastogirardi (IS).” In D. Caiazzo (ed.). Italica Ars. Studi in onore di Giovanni Colonna per il premio I Sanniti: 451-506. Piedimonte Matese: Arti Grafiche Grillo.
Peer-reviewed Articles:
- T. Johnson, S. Lash, M. Mogetta, M. Naglak, R. Opitz, in preparation, “A Mid-Republican House from Gabii.”
- M. Mogetta, forthcoming (2015). “A New Date for Concrete in Rome.” Journal of Roman Studies 105.
- M. Mogetta and J. A. Becker, 2014. “Archaeological Research at Gabii, Italy: The Gabii Project Excavations 2009-2011.” American Journal of Archaeology 118(1): 171-188.
- J. A. Becker, M. Mogetta and N. Terrenato, 2009. “A New Plan for an Ancient Italian City: Gabii Revealed.” American Journal of Archaeology 113(4): 629-642.
- M. Mogetta, A. Gallone, and D. Sepio, 2008. “An Etruscan and Roman hilltop Settlement. Excavations at the Torre di Donoratico, Italy (2003-2004)”, Etruscan Studies 11: 81-95.
- M. Mogetta, N. Terrenato, 2007, “Architecture and Economy in an Early Imperial Settlement in Northern Etruria”, Facta 1: 107-124.
Reference Entries:
- M. Mogetta, 2014. “Latium Vetus – Latium Adjectum.” In C. Smith (ed.), Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology: 4450-4459. Springer: New York.
- M. Mogetta, 2005. “Latina via, VII miglio.” In A. La Regina (ed.), Lexicon Topographicum Urbis Romae – Suburbium III: 195-202. Rome: Quasar.
Other Articles:
- A. Gallone and M. Mogetta, 2013. “Gabii in età repubblicana: I rivestimenti pavimentali di alcune unità abitative.” In C. Angelelli (ed.), Atti del XVIII Colloquio AISCOM, Cremona,
Italy, 14-17 March 2012: 717-725.
- A. Gallone, M. Mogetta, 2011. “Gabii: indagini archeologiche nel settore meridionale della città.” In G. Ghini (ed.), Lazio e Sabina 7: Atti del Convegno Settimo Incontro di Studi sul Lazio e la Sabina Roma 9-11 marzo 2010 : 211-215. Rome: Quasar.
- M. Mogetta, 2010. “Pedley Winner Joins Gabii Team.” Kelsey Newsletter Fall 2010: 6.
Book Reviews:
- M. Mogetta, in preparation. Review of F. Fulminante, 2014. The Urbanisation of Rome and Latium Vetus. Journal of Roman Archaeology
- M. Mogetta, 2013. Review of S. T. Roselaar, Processes of Identity Formation and Integration in the Roman Republic. Leiden: Brill, 2012. Ancient History Bulletin On-line 3: 28-34.
- M. Mogetta, 2011. “Pottery and settlement archaeology in early Italy.” Journal of Roman Archaeology 24: 527-532. (Review of Ceramiche, abitati e territorio nella bassa valle del Tevere e Latium Vetus. Edited by M. Rendeli. Rome: Ecole Française de Rome, 2009).