Dr. Frédéric Mège

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter 2019 - 2020, DFG-Projekt 'Concretes as Floors'
Professional pathway.
Research Grant of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
Research Fellowship of the Research Center of Ancient Studies at Berliner Antike-Kolleg.
Outgoing Post-Doc Grant of Laboratory of Excellence LabexMed (Laboratoire d'Excellence LabexMed, Aix Marseille Université).
PhD Research Grant, French Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
Project Manager: Validation Process of Robotized Gearbox Software (B2i Consulting for Renault SA, Paris).
Project Manager: Validation Process of Tires Pressure Monitoring System (Altran Consulting for Peugeot SA, Paris).
Project Manager: Development Methods for Automotive Embedded Softwares (Altran Consulting for Peugeot SA, Paris).
Research Department Engineer: Automatic and Supervised Devices for Wine Industry (Fabre Mesurelec S.A., Marseilles).
Academic pathway.
PhD in Archeology, with first class honors (Aix Marseille Université). Dissertation title: “Housing and Urbanism in the Greek Cities of Eastern Sicily in Hellenistic Period (4th - 2nd cent. B.C.): the case of Megara Hyblaea”. Advisor: Henri Tréziny (CNRS, Centre Camille Jullian).
MA in Archaeology, with highest honors (Université de Provence Aix-Marseille 1).
BA in Archeology, with high honors (Université de Provence Aix-Marseille 1).
MSc in Engineering (Université de Provence Aix-Marseille 1).
French: Mother tongue.
English: Fluent (B2).
Italian: Fluent (B2).
German: Advanced (B1).
Ancient Languages: Greek (Intermediate High), Latin (Intermediate Low).
Current project.
DFG Project "Concrete as Floors".
Research interests.
Housing and Urbanism in Hellenistic Sicily; Construction Techniques; Geological Resources; Multidisciplinary Approaches; Greek Colonization in Western Mediterranean; Housing and Urbanism in the Ancient Mediterranean World.
Current and past research.
2019 Megara Hyblaea, Morgantina, Selinous, Italy (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft). Project “Concrete as Floors”: physical characterization, datation and study of ancient cement floors.
2016-2017 Megara Hyblaea, Italy (École française de Rome). Post-Doc research: study of construction stones and stone quarries.
2011-2016 Megara Hyblaea, Italy (École française de Rome). PhD thesis research. Collaboration to the book Mégara 7. Contribution to the research program “publication of the ancient excavations”.
2008-2010 Megara Hyblaea, Italy (École française de Rome). MA thesis research: “Contribution of the Door Thresholds and Constructed Floors to the Study of the Hellenistic and Roman Buildings of Megara Hyblaea” (advisor: Henri Tréziny).
Book (in collaboration).
2018 Mégara Hyblaea 7. La ville classique, hellénistique et romaine (Mégara Hyblaea 7. The Classical, Hellenistic and Roman City). Henri Tréziny, avec la collaboration de Frédéric Mège. Rome: EfR.
Book (forthcoming 2020).
Habitat et urbanisme à Mégara Hyblaea aux IVe et IIIe s. av. J.-C. Contribution à l’étude du fait urbain en Sicile hellénistique. Naples: Centre Jean Bérard.
Forthcoming 2019.
L’habitat à Mégara Hyblaea à l’époque tardive hellénistique tardive. Évolutions et nouveautés. In: Gian-Franco Adornato, Thomas Lappi, Monika Trümper (éd.), Cityscapes of Hellenistic Sicily: a Reassessment. Proceedings of the International Symposium (June 15-18 2017, Berlin). Rome: Edizioni Quasar.
2019 Cement Floors of Megara Hyblaea. A Sicilian Perspective. In: Sophie Bouffier, Ivàn Fumadó Ortega (éd.), Mortiers et hydraulique en Méditerranée antique. Actes du IVe Symposium Hydromed (24-25 mars 2016, Aix-en-Provence). Aix-en-Provence: PUP.
2014 Features of Hellenistic Housing at Megara Hyblaia. Insights into Recent Works on Early Excavations. In: Annette Haug et Dirk Steuernagel (Hrsg.). Hellenistische Haüser und ihre Funktionnen. Internationale Tagung Kiel, 4. bis 6. April 2013. Bonn: Dr. Rudolf Habelt. p.163-176.
The Threshold Blocks of the Palace in Sector 6. In: Eulah M. Matthews, William J. Neidinger (eds.). The Bylazora Excavations: 2010 - 2013 Volume III. The Stoa and Palace of Philip V. Canyon Lake (Texas): TFAHR. p. 114-118.
A Celtic Column Krater. Eulah M. Matthews, Frédéric Mège and William J. Neidinger. In: Eulah M. Matthews, William J. Neidinger (eds.). The Bylazora Excavations: 2010 - 2013 Volume III. The Stoa and Palace of Philip V. Canyon Lake (Texas): TFAHR. p. 122-125.
2013 Bain et hygiène en contexte privé à Mégara Hyblaea: quelques exemples de salles de bain (Bathing and Hygiene in Private Context in Megara Hyblaia: Some Examples of Bathrooms). In: Sophie Bouffier, Antoine Hermary (éd.). L’occident grec. De Marseille à Mégara Hyblaea. BiAMA, 13, 2013. p.203-214.
A Marble Pedestal Found at Bylazora. In: Eulah M. Matthews, William J. Neidinger (eds.). The Bylazora Excavations: 2008 - 2012 Volume I. Canyon Lake (Texas): TFAHR, 2013. p. 92-94.
Sector 3: The Propylon. Amy Donaldson, Frédéric Mège and Slawomir Szyszka. In: Eulah M. Matthews, William J. Neidinger (eds.). The Bylazora Excavations: 2008 - 2012 Volume I. Canyon Lake (Texas): TFAHR, 2013. p. 46-50.
2019 Cocciopesti di Sicilia ellenistica, tra Megara e Selinunte. Studio comparativo ed interdisciplinare (Cocciopesti of Hellenistic Sicily, between Megara and Selinous. Interdisciplinary and comparative study). Megara Iblea e Selinunte : due colonie doriche a confronto. Giornata di studio (4 July 2019, Rome).
2017 Mégara Hyblaea et la Sicile aux IVe et IIIe s. av. J.-C. (Megara Hyblaia and Sicily in the 4th and 3rd cent. BCE). “Journée d’étude sur la Sicile antique et médiévale de l’Université de Poitiers” (23 March 2017, Poitiers, France).
Le fait urbain à Mégara Hyblaea et en Sicile aux IVe et IIIe s. av. J.-C., entre Grec hellénistique et Romain républicain (The Urban Fact at Megara Hyblaia and Sicily in the 4th and 3rd cent. BCE, between Hellenistic Greek and Republican Roman). Première rencontre des doctorants et jeunes docteurs sur l’Italie préromaine “Du Bronze récent à la romanisation (XIVe – IVe siècles av. n.è)” (1-2 June 2017, Paris, France).
Housing at Megara Hyblaia in the late Hellenistic period. Evolutions and new Features. Topoi C6-8 Conference on Cityscapes of Hellenistic Sicily: a Reassessment (15-18 June 2017, Berlin, Germany).
La pierre à Mégara Hyblaea (Sicile) de l’époque grecque archaïque à l’époque romaine (The Stone in Megara Hyblaia, Sicily, from the Greek Archaic period to the Roman period). Labex Week (28-29 June 2017, Aix-en-Provence, France).
The Urban Fact at Megara Hyblaia and Sicily in the 4th and 3rd cent. BCE, between Hellenistic Greek and Republican Roman. Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Klassische Archäologie, Archäologisches Kolloquium (13 November 2017, Berlin, Germany).
2016 Cement Floors of Megara Hyblaea. A Sicilian Perpective. IVe Symposium Hydromed “Mortiers Hydrauliques en Méditerranée antique” (24-25 March 2016, Aix-en-Provence, France).
2013 Features of Hellenistic Housing at Megara Hyblaia. Insights into Recent Works on Early Excavations. International Colloquium “Hellenistische Haüser und ihre Funktionnen” (4-6 April 2013, Kiel, Germany).
2011 Apport des seuils de porte et des sols construits à l'étude des maisons hellénistiques et romaines de Mégara Hyblaea. Séminaire d’études “La colonisation grecque en Sicile orientale” (11 November 2011, Aix-en-Provence, France). Contribution of Door Thresholds and Constructed Floors to the Study of Hellenistic and Roman Houses of Megara Hyblaia.