Abgeschlossene Dissertationen
- CHEN Cheng: “Achieving Buddhahood in the Mundane World: An Iconological Study of Cave Huayandong in Anyue, Sichuan”, WS 2024/25
SIMONIS, Ruth Sonja: "From Trade to Treasure: The Development of Augustus the Strong´s East Asian Porcelain Collection, 1699-1733", WS 2024/25
HUANG Chunmeng: From Text to Image: A Study of Emperor Xuanzong (685–762 AD) in Chinese Paintings from the Tang to the Qing Dynasty, SoSe 2024
MACIOSZEK, Amelia: Study of Chinese Blue-and-White Porcelain Designs on Iranian Ceramics
- SCHRAPE, Wibke: Ikeda Koson (1803-68) and the Order of Images. Artistic and Art Historical Constructions of Rinpa, SoSe 2018
- LI Wenmin: Die bemalten Luohan-Tonfiguren aus dem Shuanglin Tempel, Shanxi
- ZHENG Ye: 798 im Rampenlicht der Kreativindustrie - Eine topographische Fallstudie zur chinesischen Gegenwartskunst, WiSe 2016/17
- HERTEL, Shao-Lan: The Inner Workings of Brush-and-Ink: A Study on Huang Binhong (1865-1955) as Calligrapher, with Special Respect to the Concept of Interior Beauty (neimei), SoSe 2016
- WANG Ching-ling: Praying for Ten-thousand Goodness: Research on Buddha´s Preaching by Ding Guanpeng. WiSe 2013/14
- WERTMANN, Patrick: Sogdians in China – An archaeological and art historical research based on tomb finds and historical texts from the 3rd to the 10th century AD. SoSe 2013
- TSANG Yue: Das Echo der gelehrten Vergangenheit - Chinesische Landschaftsmalerei als Spiegel des Selbst, WiSe 2010/2011
- HE Jianping: Entwicklungsgeschichte des Plakates in China - Anfang 19. Jh. bis Ende Kulturrevolution, SoSe 2011
- HOPFENER, Birgit: Transkulturelle Reflexionsräume einer Genealogie des Performativen: Bedingungen und Artikulationen kultureller Differenz in der chinesischen Installationskunst, SoSe 2011
- STILLER, Maya-Kerstin: On the Traces of Awakened Masters - Portraits of Eminent Buddhist Monks in Korea, WiSe 2008/09
- NOTH, Juliane: Landschaft und Revolution. Der Huashan in Shi Lus Werk der 1960er und 1970er Jahre, SoSe 2006