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Gastvortrag am 09.07.2024 "Ukiyo-e Research in the Digital Age"

News vom 01.07.2024

Wir laden herzlich ein zum Gastvortrag von Prof. Ryo Akama zum Thema "Ukiyo-e Research in the Digital Age".

Der Vortrag findet am 09.07.2024 online von 12:30 s.t. -14:00 statt.

Webex-Link: https://fu-berlin.webex.com/fu-berlin/j.php?MTID=m25ea3167e1474a17554386a289216343

Voranmeldung nicht erforderlich.

In his lecture, Prof. Akama will discuss the newest trends in Ukiyo-e research in the digital age. He will introduce the history of Ukiyo-e according to the schools that dominated specific eras, rather than following the conventional historical view that lists representative artists, and will address the representative techniques used in the production of Ukiyo-e prints. The focus of the lecture will be on the Ukiyo-e database of the Art Research Center, its history, and its functions, which marked an important turning point in the world of Ukiyo-e research. The AI-based image search function and the rendering of Ukiyo-e by generative AI will also be discussed.


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