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Vortrag von Dr. Ibrahim Bingöl, Mardin Artuklu University: Comparative Analysis of Kurmanji and Zazaki

08.07.2024 | 16:00 c.t. - 18:00
2024-07-08 Dr Ibrahim Bingöl

2024-07-08 Dr Ibrahim Bingöl

Dr. Ibrahim Bingöl, being both a native Zaza speaker from Gimgim (Varto) and the Zaza instructor for last thirty years, will discuss the similarities and differences between Kurmanji and Zazaki and thus address the ongoing discussion on the classification of Zazaki and Kurmanji either as separate languages or Kurdish dialects.

Zeit & Ort

08.07.2024 | 16:00 c.t. - 18:00

Fabeckstr. 23-25, 14195 Berlin
Seminarraum 1.2001