4th Meeting of the Society of Iranian & Turanian Studies
News vom 19.11.2018
Genealogy, Transmissions and Prosopography
19-20 November 2018
Casa de Convalescència de l’Hospital de Sant Pau, Barcelona
Monday 19 November
10:00 Opening
10:30 Éric Pirart (Liège) Remarques sur la généalogie des mages
11:30 Coffee Break
12:00 Alberto Cantera (Berlin) The Fire at the end of
the Long Liturgy
12:30 Jaime Martínez (Berlin) Tracing back the Xōrde Avesta
and the Vištāsp Yašt manuscript traditions in India
13:00 Lunch
15:00 Irene Fuertes (Berlin) A revision of the Āfrīnagāns: the performance
according to the Rewāyats
15:30 Juanjo Ferrer (Liège) La prière mazdéenne de l’Ahuna Vairiia (Y 27.13).
Quelques réflexions sur sa composition et structure
16:00 Coffee Break
16:30 Jean Kellens (Paris), with Éric Pirart (Liège) et al.
Table ronde autour du Yasna 43
Tuesday 20 November
10:00 Miklós Sárközy (Budapest) Prosopographies and dynastic policy
in 12th century Caspian sources
10:30 Paolo Ognibene (Bologna) The Scythian kings according to Herodotus
11:00 Marta Oller (Barcelona) Grecs et scytho-sarmates à Olbia du Pont: une
approche à travers la prosopographie des magistrats d’époque impériale
11:30 Coffee break
12:00 Agustí Alemany (Barcelona) A Prosopography Project on Inner
Asian Imperial Nomads of the Pre-Mongol Period
12:30 Sepideh Sami (Barcelona) Towards a Turanian Prosopography
of Ferdowsī’s Šāhnāmeh
13:00 Closing
16:00 General Assembly of the Society of Iranian & Turanian Studies