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Dr. Sebastian Gottschalk



Coordinator Graduate School Global Intellectual History

Global History

Koserstraße 20
Raum B 251
14195 Berlin


by appointment via e-mail

Sebastian Gottschalk is coordinator for the Graduate School Global Intellectual History run by the FU Berlin in cooperation with Humboldt University. Sebastian joined the faculty in 2011 as a research fellow. In 2014/15 he also worked as coordinator for the MA program Global History. After receiving his PhD in history from FU Berlin he took up a position as curator for the special exhibition “German Colonialism. Fragments Past and Present” (14.10.2016-14.05.2017) at the German Historical Museum in Berlin before he rejoined the Global History team in 2017.

Sebastian has worked on the history of migration and most notably colonial history from a postcolonial and global perspective. This is also reflected in his dissertation on the interdependency of colonialism and Islam in British Northern Nigeria and the German colony of Cameroon, published 2017 as Kolonialismus und Islam. Deutsche und britische Herrschaft in Westafrika (1900–1914) (Campus Verlag).


Kolonialismus und Islam. Deutsche und britische Herrschaft in Westafrika (1900 – 1914), Frankfurt am Main: Campus 2017.


Editor and Author for:

Deutscher Kolonialismus. Fragmente seiner Geschichte und Gegenwart, hg. v. Deutschen Historischen Museum, Darmstadt: WBG/Theiss 2016.

English Translation:

German Colonialism. Fragments Past and Present, Deutsches Historisches Museum (Ed.), Darmstadt: WBG/Theiss 2016.

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OSA Geschichte