BabMed Annual Workshop 3: Physiognomy and Ekphrasis: The Mesopotamian Tradition and its Transformation in Graeco-Roman and Semitic Literatures
The workshop will consist of both talks and reading sessions with an introduction by Prof. Dr. K. Gludovatz, Dean of "Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften" at Freie Universität Berlin. Speakers include, amongst others: Gian Franco Chiai (Berlin), Emily Cottrell (Paris), Regula Forster (Berlin), Maria Gerolemou (Nicosia), Antonella Ghersetti (Venice), Nils P. Heeßel (Würzburg), Leatitia Marcucci (Nice), Marvin Schreiber (Berlin) and Kenneth G. Zysk (Copenhagen).
The goal of the workshop is to build bridges between work on physiognomy and ekphrasis in Graeco-Roman and the Semitic languages, and the physiognomic omens, therapeutic descriptions, and rhetorical ‘types’ found in the cuneiform traditions of Mesopotamia.
The conference program can be viewed here.
Zeit & Ort
16.02.2016 - 17.02.2016
Holzlaube, Fabeckstraße 23-25, 14195 Berlin, Room 2.2063