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AMT 81, 1 (K 2414 + K 9969 Rückseite; Rm 2, 318 Rückseite)

(Zugang zu CDLI: P394414; eBL: K.2414) <  >

Rm 2, 318 = BAM 6, 552

Ebeling KMI 24ff.; Ebeling AGM 13 S. 10ff. und 26ff.; Thompson RA 31 S. 5ff.; Labat RA 55 S. 152f.; Stol in Magic and Rationality in Ancient Near Eastern and Graeco-Roman Medicine, S. 72f. mit Anm. 24; Scurlock: Sourcebook, S. 301



iii 8'-14' = Rm 2, 277+ (BAM 6, 552) iii 1'-7'
iii 17'-22' = K 8187 (BAM 6, 551) iii 1'-7'
iii 24'-29' = DT 178+ (BAM 6, 549) iv 1-5
iv 1'-3' vgl. K 2414+ (AMT 80, 1) ii 16-18
iv 1'-6' = K 3516 (BAM 6, 548) iv 10'-15'; Rm 2, 277+ (BAM 6, 552) iv 13'-17'


1'. ˹x˺ [...]

2'. ˹sim?˺ [...]
3'. ˹GI?˺ [...]
4'. ˹u2?˺ [...]
5'. [...]
6'. [...]
7'. [...]
8'. ˹EREN x˺ [(x)] ˹x˺ [...]
9'. u MAŠ.SILA3.MEŠ-šu2 ˹ŠEŠ2˺ [...]

10'. DIŠ NA su-ālu GIG-ma [...]
11'. GAZIsar u2ḪAR.ḪAR [...]
12'. a-na UGU EME [...]

13'. u2ak-tam u2ḪAR.[ḪAR? ...]

14'. 1 GIN2 GAZIsar 4 ˹GIN2˺ [...]
15'. 1/2 GIN2 ˹x˺ [...]
16'. ina KAŠ [...]

17'. DIŠ NA su-ālu [...]
18'. UḪ2 ˹TUKU˺ [...]
19'. ina giSAG.KUD [...]
20'. si-ta-te [...]
21'. ina PA MUŠEN [...]

22'. DIŠ NA ta-bilam˺ [...]
23'. I3 ḫal-ṣi ˹x˺ [...]
24'. u2andaḫ˺-[še ...]
25'. TEŠ2.˹BI˺ [...]
26'. NU ˹pa˺-[tan ...]

27'. DIŠ NA [...]
28'. ˹UḪ2˺ [...]
29'. ˹x˺ [...]


1'. [...] ˹x˺
2'. [...] baḫ-ra GID2.DA-ma
3'. [...] GAZ-ma TI

4'. [...] saḫ-le2-e si-ki-te ina KAŠ.SAG
5'. [...] NAG-šu2
6'. [... KI]R4-šu2 DUGUD

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