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Bewerbungszeitraum für den neuen MA Distant

15.04.2023 - 15.08.2023

Digital Studies of Ancient Texts (DISTANT) is a two-year, full-time master’s program taught in English at the campus of Freie Universität in Berlin.

It is an interdisciplinary program that combines text- and language-related topics from Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Egyptology, and Coptology with computational modeling and analysis.

While DISTANT shares content with traditional master's programs in Ancient Near Eastern Studies (Cuneiform Studies) and Egyptology, it sets itself apart by offering modules on digital methods. With a specific focus on computer-assisted processing and computational analysis of ancient texts, students acquire subject-specific and interdisciplinary methodological competencies that enable them to tackle complex questions on a variety of sources.
The master's program, following standard practice in Germany, is tuition-free for all students, regardless of their country of origin.