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The Wepwawet temple of Asyut


Institute of Egyptology


Institute of Egyptology, Freie Universität Berlin

Since 2015, an international team of researchers led by Jochem Kahl (Freie Universität Berlin) and Mohamed Abdelrahiem (Sohag University) has been examining archaeological objects in the antiquities magazine at Shutb. These artefacts include blocks from the main temple of Asyut, which were recovered in 1930 but only partially published. The blocks were initially stored for decades in a magazine in or near Asyut. In 1961, they were packed in boxes by the Inspectorate of Minia, to which the Asyut area was also subject, and sent to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo together with artefacts from the necropolis of Asyut, but were never opened there. In 2008 they were sent back from Cairo - still in their original packaging - to Shutb near Asyut, where they are now officially registered in the magazine of the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities and are being processed as part of the project of the Institute of Egyptology, Freie Universität Berlin.

The documentation of these temple blocks provides an insight into the centre of the ancient city itself, but also into the city of Amarna, as some of the blocks were transported from Amarna to Asyut as building material in antiquity.