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Conference Reports

Aselmeyer, Norman: Stellare Kriege: "Embattled Heavens: The Militarization of Space in Science, Fiction, and Politics", in: Technikgeschichte 81.4 (2014), 371–78. [web]

Blaß, Björn: Tagungsbericht "Ufogeschichte", Berlin, in: H-Soz-u-Kult (04.03.2012). [web/pdf]

Boyce-Jacino, Katherine: "Embattled Heavens: The Militarization of Space in Science, Fiction, and Politics" in: Foundation 118 (2014), 96–100.

Frelik, Paweł: "Embattled Heavens" Conference, in: Science Fiction Studies 41.2 (July 2014), 446f.

___: "Sounds of Space" Workshop, in: Science Fiction Studies 40.1 (March 2013), 198f. [web/pdf]

Geppert, Alexander: Imagining Outer Space: European Astroculture in the Twentieth Century, in: ZiF: Mitteilungen 3 (2008), 14–18. [pdf]

___: Space in Europe, Europe in Space: Symposium on 20th-Century Astroculture, in: NASA History News & Notes 25.2 (May 2008), 1f., 6–12. [pdf]

___: Tagungsbericht Imagining Outer Space, 1900-2000, Bielefeld, in: H-Soz-u-Kult (16.04.2008). [pdf]

Haake, Ruth: Tagungsbericht "Berliner Welträume im 20. Jahrhundert", in: H-Soz-u-Kult (14.10.2015). [web/pdf]

Mayer, Helmut: Raumkultur, in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 155 (06.07.2012), 28.

Mehl, Friederike: Berlin Symposium on Outer Space and the End of Utopia in the 1970s, in: NASA History News & Notes 29.2-3 (2012), 1–15. [web/pdf]

___: Conference Report "Envisioning Limits: Outer Space and the End of Utopia. 19.-21.04.2012", Berlin, in: H-Soz-u-Kult (09.07.2012). [web/pdf]

Reichard, Tom: Battlefield Cosmos: The Militarization of Space, 1942–1990, in: NASA History News & Notes 31.3 (2014), 20f. [web/pdf]

___: Conference Report "Embattled Heavens: The Militarization of Space in Science, Fiction, and Politics", in: H-Soz-u-Kult (08.08.2014). [web/pdf]

Rippert, Katja, Conference Report "Sounds of Space", Berlin, in: H-Soz-u-Kult (26.04.2013). [web/pdf]

___: Workshop Report. The Sonic Dimension of Outer Space, 1940-1980, in: NASA History News & Notes 30.2 (2013), 17–20. [web/pdf]

Seifert-Hartz, Constanze: Berliner Welträume im 20. Jahrhundert: Ein Interview mit Jana Bruggmann und Tilmann Siebeneichner, in: Zeitgeschichte-online (March 2016). [web]

___: Conference Report "Futuring the Stars: Europe in the Age of Space", in: H-Soz-Kult (21.07.2016). [web/pdf]

___: Conference Report "The Final Countdown: Europe in the Age of Space", in: NASA History News & Notes 33.4 (2016), 25–7. [web/pdf]

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