Laufende Promotionsvorhaben
Munkhzul Bat-Erdene
"The Significance of Mongolia 's Foreign Policy in the Korean Peninsula - centred in Ulaanbaatar dialogue"
Gwendolyn Domning
"Continuities and Changes of Political Corruption in South Korea since democratization"
Madeleine Heuer
Doktorandin (GEAS)
"The South Korean Laws and Policies towards North Korean Migrants in the Context of Inter-Korean Relations: A Historical Institutionalist Approach"
Yura Hyeon
"Home-making in mobility: Exploring the dynamics of plural belonging among Yemeni refugees in Korean society"
Hendrik Johannemann
Doktorand (IKS)
"The Contentious Politics of South Korean Right-Wing Protestantism against LGBT Rights and Beyond"
Misun Kim
"Budget Constraint, Fiscal Reform, and the Making of the Developmental Pact in South Korea, 1945-1965: Toward an Alternative Understanding of the Origins of the Developmental State"
Hyein Lee
"Buddhist Military Chaplaincy of South Korea: Inner Workings and Interplays of the Discourses on ‘State-Protecting Buddhism"
Martin Weiser
"Blockparteien im sozialistischen Ostasien im Vergleich: Die Entwicklung der Blockparteien in China, Vietnam und Korea und Ähnlichkeiten zur DDR"